Inspire Wonder.
The world is endlessly fascinating. We seek to spark curiosity and awe through innovative approaches to problem solving. We engage with all possibilities beyond the ordinary in relentless pursuit of success.
Sprout and Cultivate Relationships.
Relationships matter. We prioritize building strong, meaningful connections to foster collaborative, caring communities in which all my grow and succeed.
Insist on Just, Equitable Outcomes
We are committed to fairness, equity, and inclusion. We seek to help partners take bold steps to address systemic inequities that serve to suppress and marginalize members of their communities.
Listen, Process, and Iterate.
Learning and growth are lifelong processes. We embrace a mindset of ‘constant beta’ by listening to feedback and making intentional, iterative changes to better serve our clients.
Michael Russell is the Founder and Managing Director of Tinker With Purpose, LLC. He spent two years as a professional engineer before transitioning into his true passion, PreK-12 education, where he has served as classroom teacher, department chair, director of studies, STEM coordinator, and principal.
Michael is an innovator and systems-thinker committed to helping others realize their full potential. He is adept at developing organizational cultures that value relationships, honesty, creativity, and continual improvement through a ‘growth mindset’. A servant leader and fast-processing problem solver, Michael is comfortable quickly and accurately assessing client needs, developing systems to support change management, and providing insights for navigating complex, ‘wicked’ problems.
He earned his Bachelors Degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Rochester, and his Masters Degree in Curriculum and Instruction from the University of Cincinnati.
Michael Russell
Founder, Managing Director